Bolivian Ram Cichlid Profile

Bolivian Ram Cichlid

Common name: Bolivian Ram cichlid

Scientific name: Mikrogeophagus altispinosus

Type of fish: Cichlid

Origin: South America

Level of difficulty: Beginner

Max size: 3 inches

Growth Rate: These fish are usually adult-size when they are sold.

Minimum tank size: 20 gallons

Diet: omnivore

pH: 6-7

Hardiness: Moderate

Aggressiveness: Mostly peaceful

Tankmates: community fish like tetras, livebearers, gouramis, barbs, peaceful dwarf cichlids, Corydoras catfishes

Sexing: Males have longer and more pointed dorsal fins.

Notes: These fish are substrate eaters so they should be provided with a sand substrate. They are essentially dwarf Geophagus cichlids.